Assignment 0: Introduction / warm up

This assignment is a simple exercise on the way we will work on assignments for the rest of the class. This assignment is not graded.

General information

Remember that the assignments are accepted only through git repositories (no email submissions). You need to work on this assignment and the later assignments by accepting the link provided at the private course repository. Note, however, to access the private course repository, you are required to complete the complete the form on Moodle, and accept the invitation to join the GitHub organization for this course.

Once you accept the assignment, a private repository for you (and possibly your team mate) is created. You are required implement the assignments as described in this repository, and push the results to GitHub before the assignment deadline (see below for further information on submissions).

For each assignment we will provide a template which defines where to implement each exercise. The template for this introductory assignment can be found in the file in your repository.

Important: after completing your assignment, please tag it as final, and push the tag to your GitHub repository. Here is the reminder of how to do it on the command line:

git tag final
git push --tags

The repositories without the final tag will not be checked until the late assignment deadline.


Implement the linear search without recursion (as discussed in the class) as indicated the template.

Implement a recursive version of the linear search as indicated the template.

Compare the running time of of both implementations with varying input.